Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick answers to common questions and make the most of our platform.

What are the characteristics in the player model?

DSA’s Labs player model consists of five characteristics including Communication, Decision Making, Execution, Fitness, and Psycho-Social.

[DEC]ISION MAKING is an athlete’s quality of choices or decisions in an athletic environment. 

[COM]MUNICATION is ability of a player to interchange information with their environment and establish relationships with teammates during competition.

[EXE]CUTION is the the quality of an athlete’s actions.  

[FIT]NESS is an athlete’s measured abilities to perform prescribed physical tasks.

PSYCHO-[SOC]IAL is the assessment of an athlete’s mental capabilities (including problem solving, reasoning, planning, and abstract thinking) and personality in the context of athletic performance.

What do my scores mean?

Your scores in each of the characteristics are based on your performance in comparison to your peers. They reflect what percentile you rank among your teammates.  

What is competitive fire?

A score that objectively measures a player’s competitiveness in both team oriented matches (2 v 2 to 11 v 11) and individual “1 v 1” competitions. 

What is a FlashStat?

A FlashStat is a digital player profile and sports resume. It includes an athlete managed profile with all of the information coaches need - biography, contact details, career history, highlight videos, academic information, upcoming events, and more. It features a StatLink score, highlights trends in player performance, reveals player strengths and weaknesses, and helps optimize performance both on and off the field. A FlashStat is comprised of data collected by coaches through StatLink. A FlashStat can also be used as a traditional player profile, without StatLink data, to send coaches information about themselves. Players can easily send their FlashStat to coaches, schools, and clubs, or they can share their profile directly to social media.  Players also have access to share their profile directly with our college coaching network with pre-made email templates.

How do I share my FlashStat?

In your Player Dashboard, find the share FlashStat Icon in the upper right hand corner. Select this icon and proceed to share with Facebook, Twitter, or copy the URL to send in text or email. You can also “SHARE WITH COLLEGES” to access our NCAA coaching database and pre-made email templates.

How do I change my email?

In your Dashboard, select the “Account” icon on the bottom toolbar and choose “Edit Profile”.  In the Email text box, type in your new email address.  Select “Save” on the bottom of the screen.

How do I reset my password?

Go to and on the log-in screen, select “Forgot Password or Email?”

How to change my Password ?

In your Dashboard, select the “Account” icon on the bottom toolbar and choose “Change Password”

How do I delete my Account?

In your Dashboard, select the “Account” icon on the bottom toolbar and choose “Edit Profile.”  Next, select the trash can icon in the upper right hand corner. Deletion of your account by typing your password into the confirmation box and click “Confirm Delete.”

How do I change my account role?

In your Dashboard, select the “Account” icon on the bottom toolbar and choose “Edit Profile.”  Next, select the dropdown menu labeled “ROLE.” Coaches can manage Teams and Players. Players and Parents can only manage one or more players.

How do join a Team?

Option 1: Scan unique QR code to your team, provided by the coach or manager.

Option 2: Accept your invite to the team using a URL that the coach or manager sent via email.

How do I edit the information in my FlashStat?

Go to the ABOUT ME section in your player profile and select the pencil icon next to any of the information sections contained in your profile.

Why does my FlashStat contain no data or submissions? 

Data for each characteristic is collected by coaches during training or games. Not all characteristics may be measured during a given session, in which case those characteristics will be void of a score until your coaches measures them.

Is StatLink available as a stand-alone App? 

At present, StatLink is a web-based application only.

StatLink on Android/Chrome is not working properly, is there a fix?

Using of the Chrome web-browser with the Android OS may cause issues with some StatLink functionality. Switching to a different browser (e.g., Firefox) fixes the problem.

Need more help?

Visit our online user manuals at or send an email to